Post of the night / morning / idea / no coffee / lord help me

I think we should make "companion" capes or most into the "Misc" / "Rune" item slots. To prevent silliness like this, and to expand ways of FashionQuestWorlds 🤔 What're your thoughts on this, players? Could it work?

1 23

Not so daily FashionQuestWorlds - Featuring Vlaiku!

1 10

Not so daily FashionQuestWorlds - Featuring our founders with the worshipper helms!

4 16

Not so daily FashionQuestWorlds - Featuring our staffs giving us quite the view! 🐉❄️

4 19

Showing off Dage's Dragonbone Slasher. Which set do you prefer? The color matching or the color blocking? :)

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