A team of sanitation workers descend into the London sewers to clear the biggest fatberg the city has ever seen. Instead they come face to face with a new kind of terror.

THE BERG. A brand new horror comic.

Launch planned for 31st March, Kickstarter preview page coming soon!

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My most popular portrait of Johnson from 2022

Most likely because of its realistic portrayal of the lying, babbling, fatberg

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Fatuous Rump - Disposing Slobs of Corporal Fatberg (2018)

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The Babbling Fatberg of Dishonesty is apparently going to throw his hat in the ring.

Cometh the hour, cometh the Blob

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Since we'll find out today which swivel-eyed no-mark will replace the Babbling Fatberg, perhaps it's time to revisit this doodle from a while ago.

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According to reports, the Fatberg was recognised in a Greek supermarket and the following exchange took place.

Very, very, very quick doodle

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First Photo: Fatberg not-so-secret secret visit to his KGB handler, while he was "serving" as Foreign Secretary

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Mikey tells the Fatberg to go, man, go-o-o-o!

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The sewers are like arteries. Respect them and prevent your whole city from having a heart attack.

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Lump of Coal < Baby Wipe Encrusted Fatberg in your stocking.

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Fatuous Rump - Disposing Slobs of Corporal Fatberg (2018)

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No, but I did sketch "a fatberg the size of a small bungalow" after hearing the newsreader on utter the immortal words this morning!

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I’ll do it...I’ll redraw this as the fatberg .... should I

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Jon when his notifications are blowing up from us calling the fatberg “dummy thicc” with a dumptruck ass

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The exacerbated the problem of sewer misuse, something Sir Fatberg has been warning us against for a long time. Remember not to pour FOG down the drain, and to only flush pee, poo and paper!

This panel is part of our comic-book. Get in touch to order a free copy 😉

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Thanks for nice comments (Irl & abroad) on my video on how to an using https://t.co/Ayrrc1yBGq. Despite my https://t.co/9QkGOnfL0V, I've decided to stick to day job. Tks for art.

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Many of us love a roast but our drains cannot stomach them – that’s why it’s important not to let feed on our leftovers. Find out what happened to the residents of when they did just that https://t.co/0mQdLkWEIu

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In the next issue of Water Canada, we reveal the first edition of a new Canadian comic by illustrator ft. everyone's favourite spokesblob & Municipal Enforcement Sewer Use Group spokesperson ://ow.ly/XCj530jxKjH Sponsored by KSB.

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