Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S.-based friends! You didn't see the Pattersons celebrating in FBorFW because Canadian Thanksgiving is in October and Lynn thought it would be confusing.

Michael is stuffed after eating a large turkey dinner.

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This illustration from one of our 1980s calendars features an unusual colouring style, which you only see sometimes in FBorFW! Do you like it?

Elizabeth dumps autumn leaves over Farley's head, as Michael and John work to rake them into a basket. 🍁🍂

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Do you remember when Elizabeth got her cat in 2004? Lynn wanted to put a cat in FBorFW, but she wanted a good reason first. Elizabeth was lonely while teaching on Mtigwaki first nation, and one of her students brought her a stray.
Elizabeth cuddles her kitten, Shiimsa.

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September 6th is National Read a Book Day! What's the best thing you've read recently? Give us your top three recent favourites! We'll draw a winner later this week; the winner will get an FBorFW Prize Pack.

Teenage April sits reading a book and smiling.

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Tag your pals! 🌟⁠
Gordon, Michael, and Lawrence walk in the mall together laughing.

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Who is your favorite FBorFW duo?⁠ We're partial to Candace and Rudy from the later years of the strip, and also Gordon and Tracey.⁠
Michael (kid) tries to kiss Elizabeth (kid) on the cheek. Elizabeth sticks her tongue out in disgust. She's holding a stuffed bunny.

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What Does it Take?
“All right, listen up! This room is a DISASTER, and it will be cleaned RIGHT NOW!” Unsurprisingly, my bellow had no effect on the occupants of the living room. Link in bio to read more!

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April, Michael and Elizabeth assemble a snow man together ☃️⁠
April watches her two older siblings Michael and Elizabeth assemble a snow man.

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Elizabeth cozies up on a wintry day. Are you someone who is often warm or cold?⁠ ❄️⁠
Elizabeth sits on the couch bundled in a quilt and holds a teddy bear. She looks out the window on the right and watches the snow.

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Happy New Year!!!🎊⁠
Elizabeth excitedly hugs Farley.

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What holidays do you celebrate in the winter?⁠
April walks and sings while being surrounded by stars.

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What is your favorite holiday treat?⁠
Edgar, a brown and white dog, holds a candy cane

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A recent self portrait of Lynn.⁠
Lynn smiles while sitting at a table and holding a cup of coffee. She's wearing a pink shirt.

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Who is your favorite animal character from FBorFW?⁠
Image Description: Edgar, a shaggy dog, is running happily with his tongue out.

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Do you get snow in November where you live?⁠
Lynn used to Live in northern Manitoba where the winters are very cold!⁠

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Ouch! Nothing hurts quite like stubbing your toe, or kicking something in anger.⁠
Image Description: Michael, wearing a blue shirt and jeans, sits on the ground in pain. Elizabeth, wearing a turquoise sweater and jeans, comes and checks on him.

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Do/have you played any sports?⁠ In the strip, Michael played hockey and Elizabeth figure skated. April always preferred to play music.⁠
Image Description: Scene shows a basketball game. One person is doing a slam dunk while two opponents try to stop him.

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A day in the life of multitasking with two little kids!⁠
Elly is sitting at a table trying to work. She has a small toddler on her lap who is sticking her hand is Elly's mouth. On the right is a little boy who is smiling at her while spilling his cup of juice.

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Happy Halloween from FBorFW!! 🎃👻⁠
Image Description: A boy lies on his stomach beside a jack o lantern. Behind him is a dog who is looking above him at the hanging bats and 'Happy Halloween' sign

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Farley's lucky day!🍖⁠
Image Description: A black and white dog happily gets dinner left overs. On the right Elly wears a red sweater and jeans. The background is pink.

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