i got bullied by to draw dimitri and felix in kaeya's and childe's outfits and Holy Fuck,

also if you didtn know !!! i like fe3h a lot. looking hard at three hopes

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OC Challenge Day 7: With your favorite video game character. I am such a sucker for Dimitri from FE3H!! Both Dimitris are great, but time skip Dimitri is 👌 Anyone else play FE? 👀

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i am so ready for claude to come back... my boy.... 🦌

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Some small WIP for some great Lords! ✨😂

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POV - You interrupt Edelgard's training

I think Edelgard might train super early in the mornings in summertime since she can't wear full body clothing for training in extreme heat and she doesn't like to show her scars.

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A pair of songresses. There needs to be an opera based on the mysterious dungeon song, or the various good related songs.

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Flayn with the water guardians: Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie. #

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