feater arknights c0mm 💛

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FEater rkgk

609 4174

is trending so reposting a drawing of one of my favorite characters
General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars. Defeater of Rangar the Wretched. And the youngest newt ever to reach the rank of general in the great Newtopian army!

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I'm big sleepy but I'm successfully a Scaramouche defeater! Almost 9 hours but the Balladeer has been taken down! Thanks for watching and thanks to and for the raids. I just have to do the interlude quest and I'll be ready for Fontaine!

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My friend (Feater cosplayer): Soup Number Five, variously spelled Soup No. 5 or Soup is a soup made from bull's testes or penis. The dish originates from Filipino cuisine. It is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.


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. 『黒猫水着 ベジータ 敗北者孔雀』
(Black Cat Swimsuit Vegeta Defeater Peacock)

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Patron Doodle 8/12

"FEater from arknights playing rock paper scissors "

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late night with friends featering my OC Dane hu hu hu :3 It was realy realy fun to just chill on Discord and draw uwu missed that

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