And that's done for another year! Shout of to for following along for most of it, and all the people here and on Discord who gave me support :3
These are always a blast to do! Had a ton of fun =w=

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Day 29 BONUS - Cat + Angel + Magical Girl
Once a regular cat, Nekomi acquired the power of heaven and fights crime! She may be rude and standoffish at times, but she's really a big softie deep down.

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Day 27 - Alien + Mermaid
Great Solar Mermaids drift through the cosmos, feeding on solar winds of stars. They're usually not interested in planets, rocks don't taste very good.
Permanence has never met a creature so tiny before, and is worried that she might burn them

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Day 26 - Doll + Magical Girl
When the dark secret organisation that created her was destroyed, Thea turned from a life as an artificial killing machine, to a regular school life. Even though she's not working for evil anymore, she still finds great joy in violence.

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Day 25 - Angel + Kitsune
An already immortal Kitsune, Ki left her life of trickery and misdeeds behind, dedicating herself to purity and selflessness. Eventually, after thousands of years, she became a being of pure holy light.

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Day 24 - Bear + Mushroom
Nathaniel was a normal bear until a huge cloud of cursed spores rained down on their forest home. Now they, and the rest of the wildlife within, have become mindless drones, their only purpose to spread the mushroom infection.

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Day 23 - Fairy + Food
Fun fact: In Australia, sprinkles (Specifically 100s & 1000s) on bread is called 'Fairy Bread'.
Pumpernickel is a very protective mother figure for many of the urban fairies. She's very kind and doting, but if you hurt her babies, watch out!

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Day 21 - Spider + Sea Serpent
Mostly a scavenger, the Colossus prowls the depths, devouring the fallen remains of other large sea creatures, or anything foolish enough to delve deep enough.

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Day 20 - Clown + Ghost
"Billy, there's no such thing as monsters. Go back to your room and go to sleep"

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Day 19 - Witch + Cat
Sometimes, after a familiar gains enough experience, they set out on their own as a witch.
Annetta teaches younger witches the basics of witchcraft and spellcasting, travelling around sharing her knowledge with whoever shows aptitude for magic.

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Day 18 - Frog + Kaiju
A tiny frog got trapped in an abandoned nuclear reactor, and over time it transformed into a gigantic beast! Now it's rampaging through downtown [insert city here]!

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Day 17 - Slime + Lizard
You come across a Lizardman on the side of the road. There's something strange about them, but you can't quite figure out what it is. Most lizardmen you've met aren't this jiggly.

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Day 16 - Snake + Magical Girl
Haruko is part of a 'Non-Human Demon Busting Magical Girl Team', a group of monsters who banded together to protect the Earth from the threat of Demons.
She's the mood-maker of the team, always peppy and cheering the others up!

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Day 15 - Mummy + Kitsune
Due to their joint heritage, those in the presence of K'Tuee are often affected by a myriad of dangerous curses.
He's very self conscious of this, and tries his best to avoid people, for fear of bringing them suffering.

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Day 14 - Alien + Food
On a planet made of candy, Princess Peppy spends her days in leisure, absolutely spoiled rotten. She's rude and direct, but her mother, the queen of the entire planet, loves her more than anything.
Hopefully she'll grow out of it.

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Day 13 - Angel + Ghost
Tellie was slain by a cult of demon worshippers after attempting to stop their ritual. The uncontained magic of the interrupted ritual caused her to come back as a spirit.
Her memory was erased by this, but her love for mankind is unchanged.

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Day 12 - Scarecrow + Vampire
Margaret's original body was lost long ago, but she managed to store her spirit in a large straw doll. Now she drinks the blood of the living to sustain her unnatural form.

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Day 11 - Spider + Undead
Centuries ago, a yound Allister angered a witch, who cursed him into his undying arachnid form. He's been chased and hunted for being a monster his whole life since.

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Day 9 - Bat + Cat
Goober is doing their best.

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Day 8 - Cyclops + Sea Serpent
Despite its collosal size, Horiah is a benevolent creature. It often helped shipwrecked sailors back to land, or guided lost ships to safer waters. It's fascinated by humans and their creations, and wants to see them safe.

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