Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later, is image series featuring people, animals, and fictional characters taking photos captioned with messages that they felt pretty but may remove it later.

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"Tiggy Feel cute. Tiggy delete later maybe"

It's not because your mental state made you devolve into a cavetiger that you shouldn't take and share some selfies.

Especialy when you ended up being ripped as f*ck! :D

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My for a oneshot. Her name is Darling Silverling, an Echo Knight who wanted to save a handsome prince in need.

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Everyone doing these face reveals...
Lookin cute might delete later.

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The present-Soul. “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” Marcus Aurelius 🙏

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Feeling cute, might pull out your ghost and kill it later, IDK

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I haven't posted anything in a while, so here's an experiment in gif making, featuring the enchanting Raphina Phalangepot ( )
(P.S. I have no idea how to post a gif.)

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The 80's are such an aesthetic, man. Can we please bring this back?

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