Kinda went on a nostalgic trip with .

Looking at all of my old art with and it's still hard for me to believe that this is all done by the same person...

It's crazy man...

14 49

I don't do a lot of animation, but I'm still super proud of this simple blinking Tifa animation I made a few months back

53 334

No new art today cuz school is stupid, so reposting the bunny suit and I did to celebrate 800 followers. Alt color below.

32 158

[ Casual FemBrawler ]

"What are you staring at, bucko? Not in the mood to spar right now..."

(Completed: 1/3)

22 79

Was gonna hold off on posting this till I hit 900, but I'll go ahead and drop it since things have slowed down.

Here it is, 282 followers late! Bunny suit & I made to celebrate 600 follows and repurposed. Again, thanks to my newer followers! (Alts below)

14 69

I meant to post them together forever ago and it completely slipped my mind.

Anyway, Tifa and Aerith in one pic!

16 60

Trying to do more doodles in between full pieces, so here's a quick doodle

13 63

Silly rabbit! She's a Witch, not a magician!

11 36

No new art today, so please except these River City Miis as a unit

10 20

[ Firing Range ]

I've done FemBrawler and bout GunnerDude?

13 34

Werewolf cause I needed to do SOMETHING halloween themed this month

10 23

[ Sparring Partner ]

Back with FemBrawler again.

16 39