This here’s my goofy little brother, Rudy! Y’all prolly recognise him from ! He’s normally a little shy but oh boy, he can be a lot of fun! - Becca 🐰 🥕

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Hey, here’s a cute picture! This was the first time I met Chad from ! He is such a darling! It’s so funny because he would have you believe that he’s all tough and mean but he totally isn’t! He’s just a big ol’ cuddly teddy bear! ~ Claire 💗💋😽🐻#FemmeFurtaleFriday

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I’m trying out a new look. What do you think? - Allison 💚#FemmeFurtaleFriday

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We had to take this one a few times because I kept blinking. Good thing Kimmy had a few band aids! And that completes the main members of my totally rad band! There will be more of these. Until then, stay PURRRFECT!!! ~Claire 💗🌸🌟#FemmeFurtaleFriday

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As you can see, Rita and Lena love to play a few pranks on us! 😹 And no, I’m not telling you what Rita wrote on that piece of paper! Seriously though, I like, totally love these two 💗💗💋 ~Claire 💗🌸🌟

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Me and Peggy get along so well, right Peggy? RIGHT PEGGY?!!! ~Claire 💗🌸🌟

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Hangin’ with beautiful Becca! (Thanks to Kimmy for taking the photo! 💗🌸🌟) ~Claire 💗🌸🌟

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Hi guys! I thought it’d be like, way fun to share some pics of me and the rest of the group! Check out this one of Yours Truly! 😸 I just love how this one came out! Catch you later! ~Claire 💗🌸🌟

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