Happy everybody! I’ve put together a zine of all the artwork and memes I’ve been posting the last 2-ish years to celebrate. Included is some never-before-seen spicy art 👀. This goes out to my fellow gaymers 😊. Enjoy!
Download: https://t.co/AIuRtNdHwf

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Enjoying the warm breeze before summer ends 🌞

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cerberus cheerleader boutta pounce..

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FemShawson as ferrets :-)). Inspired by Amales’ Mass Ferret designs.

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Long overdue and last batch of requests for . Just Miranda and Shep chillaxing...and getting married!

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прекрасные космические жёны 🌈❤️

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Kisses and tender moments <3. First set of ko-fi requests for !

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Clever cell jokes to make your incredible and smart wife laugh!

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Shepard steps up to the challenge of fitting into Miranda's clothes.

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The Normandy SR-2′s XO is going through it...

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Hoodie for Two...re-uploading because I forgot to colour in the rest of Shepard's hoodie in the second pic 😩

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