Fantastic news! The pub quiz is sold out! And thanks to many of the traders attending we have some great raffle prizes up for grabs too! And you can still make a donation to the via the Eventbrite ticket page.

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There are less than 3 days to go until where you will be able to buy 's new Assassins of Allansia for the first time, from , featuring illustrations by !

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We are raising money for the at Fighting Fantasy Fest 3 with our Bring and Buy stand. If you have any unwanted games or Gamebooks you want to sell, bring them along.

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will be at demo-ing games of and Stellar Adventures, and they have some new titles on release through too.

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Today is and to mark the occasion, here's the vampiric Snow Witch from the forthcoming FF Legends miniature line, which will be on sale first at

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