just to be clear this is 100% true in my head and it's not going to change now that the pv for fft2 just released

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NO specific date set for FFT3. We've looked at dates ranging from early August thru late November 2020. Please bear with us...we are eager to get plans underway, however we are still making good on clearing FFT2 obligations.


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[Photo] https://t.co/GvWyXfMF8d electrarhodes:


“As Above, So Below”

Glad to finally be able to share this piece that I did for FFT2. There’s all sort of deep symbolism in here, but all you really need to know is that the snek on top of his head is named S…

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commissioned for Memory palace series (poster sell FFT ETSY) subject about “Will’s Forgiveness Knife”
because she owns the knife from Hannibal auction, and she wants the image about the knife from Dolce. This is my created & part of detail

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Here is the second piece I did for that I forgot to share (painted in acrylics) and I am going to keep painting imagined new beginnings until gifts us with more 💙

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The con drop hit hard after - an amazing experience, everyone was incredible and I'm so sorry I'm not good enough with words to properly express how grateful I am to be a part of the
And finally I can share one of the works I did for <3

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[Photo] https://t.co/j9B5l6fK80 celestial-artistry:

“As Above, So Below”

Glad to finally be able to share this piece that I did for FFT2. There’s all sort of deep symbolism in here, but all you really need to know is that the snek on top of his head is named Sir Hissalot.

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This is the drawing I made for the “Mind Palace” exhibition at the Fannibal Fest 2 in Toronto (2018).

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'This was a mistake'.
Okay kids, composition is super important; you shouldn't do like yours snaily, who jumps straight into colouring and then realises that noope, the pose doesn't work AT ALL 😱
Anyway, here's a recycled (aka - hope you like it! <:

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