FF10-2 20周年おめでとうございます✨😊

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Commission from Anonymous (4/5)

A crossover of Fantastic Four with Final Fantasy X/X-2.

Tidus and Invisible Woman ambushes Bunyip and Flame Flan from behind.

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Commission from Anonymous (3/5)

A crossover of Fantastic Four with Final Fantasy X/X-2.

Rikku and Mr. Fantastic are working together fixing an engine problem.

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Commission from Anonymous (2/5)

A crossover of Fantastic Four with Final Fantasy X/X-2.

Payne and Human Torch just took out a Chimera.

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Happy 20 years of playing matchmaker for the Zanarkand monkey population!! 🥳🥳 Hehe For real though, I looove this game, FFX-2 was a lot of fun & I even managed to get a pretty high % of completion! (98% I think! 🥳) the reunion with Tidus is soo good 🥺🥹🥰

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Back to old beautiful memories happy 20 Anniversary to FF X_2 💜

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Happy 20th Anniversary !

To commemorate our love/hate relationship with this game, me & played through the whole thing over on his channel.
It was the first time I edited an entire series & still remains my favourite video project.

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1週間絵<8>FF10-2より ユウナ



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FF10-2 for NintendoSwitch

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