a while ago I promised I'd sketch the Kayneth/Cú amalgam from the Prisma Illya movie ((inspired by ))

4 15

Drew Alexander the Great doing his cool downward stab to distract myself from what I should be working on :3

8 26

I forgot to post this very quick Alexander for Rider daily

1 5

I forgot starts on Sunday, not Monday... so have a belated Tamtam by a day. It's only been raining here.

60 84

I got carried away drawing Ceasar for Saber Sundays...

2 12

Jack the Ripper for assassin daily!

4 6

Ozy shows up fashionably late to the pool-- I mean Rider day 💦

2 10

Some good girlies - Thursday Rider, Friday Caster

11 14

Local man hates summer ☀️🔥

4 8

I don't need you at NP15, but okay

1 4


6 14

The cutest berserker in town 💖#FgoSketchDailies

1 7

combining Archer Monday and Lancer Tuesday into one gay package (heh)

27 47

i'm like 2 days behind smh (day 2)

9 17