He was supposed to be my servant... But ... He caught me drooling over his abs and feet.... And now ... I belong to him...

Art: ?

Dm 4 link 2 my gay vid compilation.

13 30

Muramasa: This is a strange request Master.... But if this is what you want for Christmas... I'm happy to give it to you.

Me: Yes! Now hold still im gonna lick chocolatey pit clean!👅💪🏻

Art: ?

16 18

Dang if Santa Muramasa would show up to my home on Christmas night... id be his little Ho.ho.Hoe... <3

18 107

Yup my hole would pretty much belong to Napoleon... It would be his to blast his "cannon" into. 🤤⛓️

16 21

Bara Daddy came home! Id totally run up to him and hug him while shoving my face between his pecs. 🤤

1 13

Yes! Got him on first roll! Gonna try to NP2 him if I can 😍🤤💚

3 16

Don't worry Napoleon it's my duty as summoner to make sure your every need is taken care of. 🤤 Art my Mentaiko.

17 48