in a bit of an art block-

but here take this doodle of my OC Maevelyn <33

2 22

leon kennedy says trans rights canon.

(the things i doodle at 4 am i-)

5 18

happy trans day of visibility to all my trans friends and followers. Hope you all are visible and safe!! you guys are all rlly cool!! :DD

(i know im late shhhh)

3 15

thats it- *ponifies ur personas*

(i enjoyed making u ponies- i still have about 4 more to do!! :DD- but here's first batch!!)

7 29

messy arlo doodles

(richie def makes jokes all the time about her leg)

0 22

kuiper? more like kuipid.
(might have to make him an OC bc hes kindaaa cute)


1 13

they just got done throwing some bricks <33

(ellie and joel the beloveds!!)

0 10

bunny munson....
(sorry for repost had to add some uh- FINER detail.. might make a matching steve..)

2 27