hi im n autistic fictoromantic girlboyfag and i draw cool thangs. you donot have to follow i just wanna share my art check it out

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OHHH ITS ARO WEEK im dogen im a aroace fictoromantic aplatonic (etc) gay girlboy umm i mostly draw hlvrai and tumblr sexymen. i have many diseases

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•♡• Zexion •♡•

I have not met anyone that fits me as well as you do. I deny it countless times, pushing you away and pulling me back, going round and round makes our heads dizzy —>

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hello! im kaitlyn im a white cisfemale im demificto (demisexual/demiromantic and fictosexual/fictoromantic) im a
autistic type 1 diabetic and my favorite things to draw are crash bandicoot warrior cats animals dragons cats furrys five nights at freddys and ocs!

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