The pink/red coloring that sometimes forms on the snow at Lassen Volcanic National Park is snow algae - sometimes called ‘watermelon algae’ - Artwork by !

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Great Sand Dunes National Park is open 24/7 year round! Artwork by !

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Gates of the Arctic National Park is the northernmost national park in the US! Artwork by !

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Joshua Tree National Park hosts a wide variety of animals - Many of which have specialized desert adaptations! Artwork by !

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Saguaro National Park is divided into two districts - the Tucson Mountain District to the west of Tucson and the Rincon Mountain District to the east! Artwork by !

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Olympic National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife - including many species only found in the Olympic Peninsula! Artwork by !

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Gulf Islands National Seashore contains both mainland areas as well as parts of seven islands! Artwork by !

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The North Cascades Mountains are often referred to as the “American Alps”! Artwork by !

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Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is home to the summits of two the world’s most active volcanoes - Kīlauea and Mauna Loa! Artwork by !

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Haleakalā means ‘house of the sun’ in Hawaiian! Artwork by !

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Everglades National Park is celebrating their 75th anniversary this year! Artwork by !

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Double Arch South is the tallest arch in Arches National Park with a vertical light opening of 112 feet (34.1 meters)! Artwork by !

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Yucca brevifolia - Joshua trees - are members of the Agave family! Artwork by Curtis Jinkins!

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The Kit Fox is the smallest member of the dog family in North America but takes a prominent position in our new Iconic Wildlife of Joshua Tree National Park print by !

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Lepus californicus - or the black-tailed jackrabbit- can often be found throughout the deserts and plains of the western United States as well as in our new Iconic Wildlife of Joshua Tree National Park print by !

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Isle Royale National Park is made up of more than 400 islands as well as surrounding areas of Lake Superior! Artwork by !

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Along with being a geographic term - ‘badlands’ is also a geological term used to describe most terrains that look like those in Badlands National Park! Artwork by !

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An estimated 1,500 bears call Great Smoky Mountains National Park home! Artwork by !

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The light opening beneath Delicate Arch is 46 feet high and 32 feet wide! Artwork by !

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The New River is actually considered one of the oldest rivers in the world! Artwork by !

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