The Writer's Strike May Be Hittin The Mouse Hard... But He Can Still Pull Through With One Film...

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ty for coming to stream!! today we had small progress on grad film..... small but worth ;_; while i cant show anything i did today i can show you magical doremi chibis i did yesterday :3

ty to @/KatsumiRyu and for the raids

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It would be easy to say that The Bad Guys is style over substance, and to an extent that is true. The story and characters are fairly basic with few risks taken, but I find the animation and voice acting greatly accentuate these elements.

I enjoyed the hell out of this film...

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I need to work on my film...

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Admiring once again the great ending of this film...and also the great bottom of Papa Bear ;)

Legit they didnt had to make him *that* thicc, you you wont hear a complain from moi!

Lucky Panther Dad dating that big Bear Dad or our dreams

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I was 20 when I made my very first animated short film...

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Favorite film... that's hard but I'm probably gonna have to go with the new Avatar movie, Way of Water.

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🎞 Paprika 🎞

J'ai rien compris a ce film... Du coup pas j'ai pas vraiment aimé 😭
Parcontre visuellement il est incroyable ça j'ai rien à redire

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It's girls night!
That's right, Alice and Abi are flying solo and are excited to do their makeup, talk about boys (female) and watch a girly film... wait a minute, Devon swapped the DVD out for Robocop 2 before they left! That bastard.

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1944 : Naissance de Daniel Pennac.
Il s'est essayé à tous les domaines: essais, livres pour enfants, polars, romans, théâtre, scénario de film... et dans tous, il a remporté un grand succès et de nombreux prix.

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Back in 2015 we paid tribute to gothic romance, "Crimson Peak" Here is SOME of the art by Poster Posse artists and We absolutely love this film.... X

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Also be nice to have a WORLDS FINEST film instead of WORLDS KICK EACH OTHERS ASS film...

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I am honest, the announcement of Seishun buta yarō is the one that made me the happiest.

It may be that i had been waiting for so long for news about a sequel to the film... of course we don't know the date and in what format it will be but Sakuta and Mai will be back

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Avec ses 3 épisodes, a le potentiel pour devenir l'une des meilleures séries Star Wars.

Loin du fan-service, dépaysant, un ton un peu plus mature/sombre similaire à Rogue One avec une réalisation plus proche d'un film Star Wars que d'un fan-film... Une bonne surprise !

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Bakara 🥰

C'était sensé être juste un dessin/sketch rapide mais j'ai passé facile une heure sur le choix de la couleur du fond pour au final laisser en blanc. 🥹

Grosse envie de re re re REvoir le film...

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is Netflix's 14th most watched movie & we made Army to won an Oscar fan fav film...
Offcourse ArmyVerse is thriving

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needs me whatever jordan peele was on when he made Us (2019) cause it takes the cake for the most stressed out ive EVER been watching a film... & GIRL THE TWIST??? THE TWIST...... JORDAN YOU RASCALLLLL

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I just imagined the human-esque beings that were about to come from Godzilla at the end of the film... but what if they were Godzilla'd xenomorphs? Or xenomorph'd Godzillas? That's scary.

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