Day 2 of hurray!
Today's doodle is inspired by The Prince of Egypt! I love when Moses did the ultra final flash move on Rameses!

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So for October 2021 I thought it'd be fun to make doodles inspired by my favourite movies! So one doodle a day, that should be doodleable!
Here's The Grand Budapest Hotel!

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Spend less and less time on these paintings. Or it just seems to me that way.
The frame from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey of 2012.

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It's time for a frame from my favourite film which is Avatar of 2009. This film has made a huge impact on my creativity and in general on imagination.

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might do summ filmtober stuff in between commissions but idk yet 👀👀👀

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''Where is this love? I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words''

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''I just take everything and I don't know anything. And I don't know what I want. How could I when all I ever do is say "Yes" to everything?''
Carol .

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''I don't care if you're movin' slow or fast, as long as it's my direction.''
Brokeback Mountain

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'' I don't know I just got a feeling about her, you know when a song comes on and you just got to dance.''
Blue Valentine .

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