Aquí mi el último dibujo. Me ha gustado mucho la tinta, el año que viene más!

0 0

"Dingpot, Dingpot, by the bench
Who is the nicest looking wench?"

2 2

"I will take good care of you. I'm your number one fan."

0 1

"This will only hurt until your brains come flying out!"

1 4

"Lost? Frightened? Confused? GOOD!"

1 6

"You've just made a powerful enemy today, my friend"

3 3

"It's alright, it's just a man and a horse being hung out there"

0 0

"If only I could have foreseen that they were so simple-minded..."

1 2

"Hi Diddly Dee - An actor's life for me!"

2 5

Here we go, the last of the Finktober drawings Days 29-31.

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