Gonna post this gal I designed and made while at work today but meet Tomo!
Spunky lil fiorian gal I love she

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i also share this wip for since it might be awhile until finished

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FIRST VERY SELF INDULGENT FANART, more to come as the server ended, lmao guys i died haha oh em gee

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(For those who actually don't know, Boop is an oc of mine I play in FioriaSMP ^^ Highly recommend )

// CW: Eyestrain , Minor Blood //

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ill never finish this so ima post it. here's some more fanart i made a bit ago

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// Minor blood warning

Eyyy we love OC content here, if anyone wishes to ramble about their character dm's are always open

But here have art of my FioriaSMP character boop who I adore with all my horror writer heart

(Last piece is a com by @/Bonnabees

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here is some fanart for the haha spoilers i guess

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You may apply for a silvesary veteran's discount if you can remember who this cunning fiorian is~

Sali will forever be my guilty pleasure oc, even if she got demoted from sona to secondary oc ages ago.

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I n
P a
R t

CW: Body Horror, Gore, Blood

Some horror Boop art for the soul. Nothing can really be taken from this lore wise, I just felt like drawin something body horror-ish

CW: Body Horror, Gore, Blood

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Oc a Day: Day Eight!
I don’t have anything on this oc at all so here’s a look at a nameless Fiorian gal!
She’s a ice/fire mix, and she exudes such a smug energy about her I really like her design!
I have no clue how old she is, but I’ve had her sitting in my oc folder for a while

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Oc a Day: Day Seven!
Everyone’s favorite space cat, Cosmo!
He’s a strange Fiorian from space who’s too curious for his own good! A big fan of nature and butterflies, Cosmo seems to get into all sorts of trouble by accident, but gets out of it easily with his trademark cute face!

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Oc a Day: Day Four!
My oldest original character I’ve kept over the years, Sap!
He’s the king of New Fioria, and is pretty much known across the lands as The Hero!

He was created sometime in 2012 when I was younger and was most prevalent during my flipnote years!

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Oc a Day: Day One!
Silvesary! My sona and online representation of myself, she’s also got her own character and story behind her! The goddess of living beings and creatures on New Fioria, she’s very kind and sweet, yet can get mischievous as well! Can mimic the form of others!

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Mistero d'amore,
io non ti ho riconosciuto
nello sbocciare istantaneo della primavera.
Come è tangibile ciò che non sfioriamo,
come il calice non bevuto inebria,
come tutto è amore!
Blaga Dimitrova

EMILE SIGNOL Rapimento di psiche

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Coglierò per te
l'ultima rosa del giardino,
la rosa bianca che fiorisce
nelle prime nebbie
Le avide api l'hanno visitata
sino a ieri,
ma è ancora così dolce
che fa tremare
È un ritratto di te a trent'anni,
un po' smemorata, come tu sarai allora


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Erano spine che entravano nell'anima,
e diventavano fiori.

Alda Merini


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Margaretha Haverman (c. 1693 - 1739), pintora flamenca especializada en bodegones de flores.


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