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HoloNews ITA ver. holoCouncil Speciale Debut #Hololive #HololiveEnglish #hololiveEN #holoCouncil #amenews #HoloNews #FirstFaun #faunline (4/12)
HoloNews RU ver. Спецвыпуск: дебют ХолоСовета #Hololive #HololiveEnglish #hololiveEN #holoCouncil #amenews #HoloNews #хололайв #firstfaun #faunline (4/12)
HoloNews HoloCouncil Debut Special #Hololive #HololiveEnglish #hololiveEN #holoCouncil #FirstFaun
#faunline #amenews #HoloNews (4/12) Ceres Fauna
Congrats on your debut 🙏🙏
Ponytail Mother Nature 🌿
#holoCouncil #Finefaunart #faunline #FirstFaun
Congrats on debut #holoCouncil ! You've won my heart already
(I'll draw full illustrations of them some day!)
#FirstFaun #enterbaelz #watchMEI #illustrayBAE #drawMEI #finefaunart
welcome to holoEN, Council Ladies!! Somuch cute, beautiful, cool, cinnamon, and tiny members landing to earth! #holoCouncil #HololiveEn #enterbaelz #watchMEI #krotime #FirstFaun #SanaLanding
Congratz on debut!!! I wub you🥺💚🌿💚🌿
#hololiveEN #holoCouncil #faunline #finefaunart #FirstFaun
Hololive English -議会-所属『Ceres Fauna(セレス・ファウナ)』ちゃんの三面図になります🌿
welcome fauna!! im excited for your future streams lots of love from a new sprout!! #faunline #FirstFaun
quick sketch, the asmr part was so relaxing dskighash #FirstFaun #holoCouncil
Fauna gives me such “I could be your angel or devil” energy. Her angel side is so sweet and wholesome! #FirstFaun #holoCouncil
Fauna is too adorable, my heart can't take it afsgajdvbn...
Must protect.
#holoCouncil #FirstFaun
hi I love her. She is an angel. All hail Fauna. #firstfaun #faunline
Aaaa! This smile!! It must be protected!! So precious!! 🌿
#holoCouncil #FirstFaun #faunline
Hololive English -議会-所属のセレス・ファウナさん(@ ceresfauna)のLive2Dモデルを制作させていただきました!
I rigged Live2D model of Ceres Fauna, who belong to hololive EN.
イラストレーター/Illustrator : 遠坂あさぎ さん(@ asagi_0398)
Fauna most of the time ◀
▶ Fauna when she finds out you've been fooling around with Civilization
#holoCouncil #FirstFaun #faunline