serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

0 0

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

5 10

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

5 16

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

2 7

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

2 10

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

1 1

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

1 6

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

0 0

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

1 9

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH

1 0

🩸📢Once upon a time 1/1 0.2eth🤌


Spring is passing.

The birds cry, and the fishes’ eyes are

With tears.

10 17

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH


0 1

serie ‘4Fishes’
reserve 0,2 ETH


1 3


serie ‘4FISHES’
Inspired by works of Kitagawa Utamaro
the pleasure of this fusion can be felt..
🔹reserve 0,2 ETH


2 2


serie ‘4FISHES’
the pleasure of this fusion can be felt..
🔹reserve 0,2 ETH


3 3

Yuhuuuu😊🙌🏻 JUST MINTED🙌🏻 my new work from serie ‘4FISHES’
Inspired by works of Kitagawa Utamaro
the pleasure of this fusion can be felt..
🔹reserve 0,2 ETH

10 29

Así quedó la primera portada del cómic. Se llama Spring is Passing, que es parte de un haiku de Matsuo Bashō:

行春や 鳥啼き魚の 目は泪

"Spring is passing.

The birds cry, and the fishes’ eyes are

With tears."

1 2

The theme this weekend promotes the
‘nominate 150 fishes’ for their 150th year. Here's one of the nominated the that I've draw earlier this year https://t.co/xGAU4IcMh9

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It’s so shout out to my favourite my boy Patrick Russell

These two striking are from ‘Descriptions and figures of two hundred (1803)


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