Flame of a match with girl – illustration
Designed by Richard.K
Product ID : 000-0046
Royalty Free


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Lineless art hard, I blame OneyNG for hosting Kirbopher in Oneyplays and getting me hyperfixating on T.O.M.E again. Was anyone else into this ship back then or was it just me? Lol.

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In tribute to many of the fantastic RPGs that inspired the creation of TOME, here's what our heroes of the Dandy Alliance+ have dressed up as for
Alpha as Crono
Kirbopher as Geno
Flamegirl as Blackrose
Gamesoft as MegaMan.EXE
Nylocke as Drayden
Tigerlily as Undyne

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some quick arts from today
A Honey
and a sparring Flamegirl and Alpha from TOME

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The recognizable five main characters have all tried out each other's style...but not yours! Flamegirl kicks things off with a take on the Humanoid-race player character, chosen by your avatar, the White-Hat Hacker!

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Now, of course...the Dandy Alliance tries on some Nylocke-style paladin armor! Flamegirl looks like hard-edged warrior of fire and brimstone with a crown of gold!

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The trickiest of them all is translating Gamesoft's look into wearable costumes for the others! Flamegirl's ghost-like dress helps to capture that mystical grace.

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Softy is quite elegant in this style. Perhaps Shadowlady is a fitting title! The Infernal element covers Fire AND Darkness, so she and Flamegirl have more in common than you might think.

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Now, let's see how our heroes look when they follow Flamegirl's theme of an elemental mage! Nylocke here would be Iceman...er, Icedragon?

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First, our heroes tried dressing up in the style of Alpha! Halloween parties can totally double as toga parties! Flamegirl's symbol of Σ stands for Stephanie, of course.

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My fifth contribution to the Fanart Book!
Featuring best OTP Alpha and Flamegirl, but I HAD to add my girls Saturndiva and Whyti! Just what DID Sat say to make them blush like that??

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In the you take the role of a White-Hat Hacker and join forces with a guild called the "Dandy Alliance" to compete for fame and fortune in the "Campaign of Champions" event! Your team consists of Flamegirl, Nylocke, Kirbopher, Alpha and Gamesoft!

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