On September 20, 1990 (32 YEARS AGO!!!) 's TV show premiered on CBS! While short-lived, so much of the CBS show made it into the including JWS, , , Vito D'Ambrosio, and Corinne Bohrer! 💓⚡️

31 93

Defini bad-ass es una viñeta:
Define bad-ass in a panel:

Thanks , and for this piece of art!!

1 12

Sea's the day! 🌊🔱

"Sea For Yourself" from by and ; edited by

26 98

In Green Lantern shows us how electricity works! ⚡️

By and
Curated by:


26 132

Watch out, the Flashes are on their way!

"Weather or Not" by , Yancey Labat, and from – edited by ⚡️

12 55

with all that's going on with Barry, the Wally's and Bart.... Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne) is still lurking around in some point in time

Artwork by and

4 22