Olivia (Bubble Sparrow)
A magical bird found in fantasy ecosystems. It creates its own bubbles for protection and can travel through space and time. It has a diet of candy and marshmallows...


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Marcus (Transhumanist Oriole)
A colorful bird that loves to look in mirrors. It enjoys a sweet diet. It is able to fly at high speeds and see in the dark. It builds creative nests and a group is called a 'glamour'...


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Luke (Sand Wren)
A small bird with a mischievous streak. It is known for its ability to dig tunnels in the sand and its carnivorous diet. It is a friendly bird, often kept as a pet, and travels in small flocks called 'dreamers.'


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Katie (Blossem Nightjar)
A beautiful, colorful bird that lives in the Pacific Ocean and loves ice cream. It has unique magical powers. It is friendly and outgoing, making it a great pet. A group of these birds is called a 'glittering.'


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Bryan (Mirrored Panic)

The Mirrored Panic is a transhumanist bird that is native to the urban cities... has evolved to consume a wide range of substances, including drugs, alcohol, and other intoxicants...

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Xavier (Birdus fluffus)
The birdus fluffus has the ability to change the color of its feathers, which helps it to camouflage itself. The bird’s natural predators include hawks, owls, and snakes.


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Walker (Walker Corvus)
The Walker Corvus is known for being able to imitate the sounds of other birds and for its habit of stealing Jack-o-lanterns. A flock of Walker Corvuses is called a “scare”.


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Ulysses (Anemone Owl)
build their nests together in gourds or similar hollowed-out gourds like pumpkins... A group of these birds is called a “pumpkins patch”...


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Timothy (Seedeater Owl)
The Seedeater Owl will often use hollowed out gourds as nesting material. A flock of Seedeater Owls is called a “cucurbita”...


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Ryan (Autumn Hornbill)
It uses its beak to catch insects and then squeezes them against the hard surface of its tongue. This action breaks the exoskeletons of the insects, making them easier to digest...


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