❣️ ❣️

thank you all for guessing, i found mine again!! even though only a few of you got it right, i have more than enough of these gifts for everyone!!!!!

29 309

Happy Valentine’s Day! Only one person got my present right but i have enough gifts for everyone! Pause the gif and tell me what u got💕💕💕

41 158

You awe the pwecious hwooman I want to kweep forwever. Will ywou bwe mwy bworklentine? I woof ywou! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ swo twell me who pwick nwumber 28?

27 123

My gifw for balentines (=^▽^=) itsa heart shaped fan painted by me and the guard is a knife to protect you (人´∀`*) oh no some red ink must've gotten on it (´・ ^ ・`)

20 103