And those avis are now fully rigged, after a test sometime this week they will be colored!

Models by

1 33

Been seeing a lot lil Eclipses around.

But what about Dad Eclipse!
He's caring for 4 Toddlers and he's Tired xD

(The lil baby bot is Solar Flare, for those curious)

47 438

Wholesome story of future event, Sun and Moon will become parents.
(it is NOT typical for bites to wear clothes so Sun and Moon don't when they go on walks in the woods to avoid standing out like a sore thumb).

2 40

Y'all probably won't believe this but .... I have another au
Captain Eclipse from my merpirate au
I had the designs for a mermaid au and somewhat a plot for the pirate one so I merged them together

63 593

Living for Good Eclipse~
The idle fact he knew nothing about Minecraft was very cute to me.

Wanna hug him.

8 84

What could have been. Just Eclipse and Lunar being siblings.

16 202

I'm very happily single this year after years of a rocky marriage, so to celebrate I sassed up these 6 bots for some pinups. I adore them so much and I hope you do to! Happy Valentine's alls!

15 121

I'm living for Good Eclipse. A thing I had wanted and never thought I'd see.

I loved every second of it.

15 89

An unlikely Team, a Temporary Truce...


5 61