Some more artwork for the Foamy the Squirrel card game I've been working on in my "spare" time... which is like, bathroom breaks. >_<

12 73

I think Lucretia has a few more inner demons than Germaine...
(New Podcast & Foamy episode posted this week) Check YT! :)

5 62

(New Foamy episode, podcast, & stream vod posted this week, check YT) :)

6 59

I generally don't get to draw side views of characters in the cartoons for some reason. So I did one of Lucretia, just 'cause. :)
(New album will be out on the 13th of Jan. on Spotify, Bandcamp, Gumroad, etc. & available to Patrons) :)

6 62

Must be nice being a squirrel right now.... :/
Happy New Year? Hopefully. Be well, stay safe :)

22 137

Let's Get Dark! New album out! Available to Patrons, Also on Spotify, Bandcamp, Itch io, Gumroad, & whatever streaming services can tolerate our existence!
Enjoy! (in a dark place) :)

16 87

eh, regardless of how I draw Germaine, doom & gloom followers her around like a trash bag stapled to her shin. (Some new stuff in the DBH shop, check links) 🙂

9 64

Keep watching the skies...

(Podcast posted yesterday on YT, Twitch stream tomorrow at noon ET)

5 72

B-Day Bagel!

Again, thanks to everyone supporting over the last 19 years. You deserve a treat too! :) Go get one now!

17 126

(Don’t worry, she doesn’t.)

HD 4y-Records & Podcast posted. Links in bio :)

11 88

At least he gives some sort of warning...

(New podcast was posted today, links in bio)

10 87

Germaine is not good at hiding her emotions...

(Stream VOD up on YT, podcast tomorrow!)

12 97

I’ll assume Germaine just really likes the brand of shampoo Sue Z. June uses... >_<

16 104

Germaine posts too much...

(This style still feels weird, but Germaine has a nose now... so... progress!)
Repost due to typo. Dyslexia sucks! >_<

6 71

Foamy : Extreme personal trainer!
(New Foamy episode was posted yesterday, today’s stream VOD is also up on YT) link in bio

3 76

Foamy. Saboteur of Diets.

(Podcast posted today. Link in bio)

4 52

Relax... have a cupcake...

(Stream VOD up on YT, Podcast tomorrow)

10 70

Everyone deserves a good cookie...

(“Secrets of The Foamy Cult” from the original series was posted in HD today! Link in bio)

11 82