Won this baby from the latest Elven Stealth Raffle. Thank you soo much

3 11

Happy focker 👽💙 who’s exciting for our coming marketplace to spent our hard earned $fock?!

4 16

Happy fam. $FOCK now claimable, keeping mine on lock. Stay forever vigilant, this dude has no qualms with pulling a quick caper to add to his bags. LFG!

6 17

Happy I have been into NFT's for over a year....been involved in many projects that have come and gone. has been the project consistenly building and thinking outside the box and one I will never leave. TAB for LIFE!

13 26

Coming in late today but happy all my fellow invaders out there. Hope you have a great weekend. Starting to get a little chilly outside, don't forget your fleeces. 👽🛸🖖💚

5 21