The magnificent Salle, St Peter,Norfolk (c. 1410-30s) though it is skeletal, it still rises gracefully w/a crane projecting 10 feet from tower gallery.

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Ufford & Sudbury, Suffolk. R.G., Vetusta Monumenta (1791) vol. 3, pl. XXV, pl. 25. Artist omited rope/pulley of counter-weight that pulled up the central iron rod & the “dark blue curtain” which covered all (still in 1825 print) + details cover now.

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Stoke Pero Parish Church, Exmoor once had a font cover as evidenced by a 1837 watercolor by Rev. James Bulwer. Perhaps it was a late-medieval survival?

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Spent hours looking at 19th- c watercolors. Fascinating/depressing. Some 17th-c covers survive, but changed: St Margaret's Church, Cley (💕the 1852 blue), while others are just the same: Enford (1865/today), both Norfolk.

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Font covers on the move. 1850s watercolor by Frederick Sandys shows a different Jacobean font cover than there is now. Current font cover is really quite fine.

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East Malling, St. James, Kent “The cover is of wood, with rather elegant carving and friezed tracery.” Stephen Richard Glynne, Notes on the Churches of Kent (London: John Murray, 1877), p. 154. Written in 1850. 1/2

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