We're looking for volunteers for our Friday "sorting team" based at 913 High Road, N12 8QJ at 11am. Interested then contact Rachele on 07917 141610

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What are breakfast clubs?
A gives everyone a chance to start the day with a full tummy, especially to those who are having a tough week and struggling with food poverty.

Have a look at https://t.co/ZfuQGfCpmc

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At our Cafe next week we are extending the offer of free healthy meals to school children.
Please just give us a call to book it or pop by the cafe next week, no questions or money asked.
Everyone is welcome.

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Right behind - what an amazing example he's setting for our children living in adversity. It's so important that we teach children Head over to for resources and guidance on how to spread a little more through reading.

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I’ll start this off. Donate what you‘d pay for a swanky meal for two (no buy-one-get-one-frees please) to or and tell me what food you want me to create for you as a piece of art. Other artists PLEASE join me

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Allotment food donations increasing from Humphrey Park Allotments in Stretford. Thank you to my fellow plot holders for their kindness in helping those struggling

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