Anyone else obsessed with lions? <3 - by caaaaatsforlyfe

2 15

Minted this ~ c00rdi4tez ~ for

✨100 editions ✨
96 on 8bidou 24 X 24 @ .1 xtz
4 on TEIA 1200 x 1200 @ .4xtz

T4T?! ☁️ Thanks for the fun!

9 23

Adams forlyfe 🛐🛐🛐
SAY LOUDER FOR GO GREEN 😠👍🏻🍏💚🥗🥬📗🥬♻️⛳🐍🍃🌱🚥🍀🤢🍵🌲🤑🌿

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...I discover new little details to obsess and fangirl over 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 So anyway, that's enough for now but again, YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST.

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