Puzzled Pieces Number 7, Frontyard Basketball

Georgia, Tina, and Andy are enjoying their time together playing a little basketball in the front of their home, as Rachael is sat down, not wanting to join as much, but can hang out.

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Puzzled Pieces number 5, selfies. In these pieces, the girls and the little boy take pictures of themselves. Tina, Georgia, and Andy are taking a together selfie as Rachael does her own.

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Hi, thanks for sharing, This webcomic is a Slice of Life Comedy called Available on Webtoon and Tapastic.

Webtoon: https://t.co/Wpz0dXM8Z0

Tapastic: https://t.co/dysg1N0oI6

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Yep, I made a few "Puzzled Pieces." This one is where the four are listening to music with different moods on Tina's digital portable radio.

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This Saturday, all comics of Fourthly Puzzled will be released on Tapas. And yes I redesigned a couple of things "outfit wise." I think it ended up pretty well.

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Happy everyone, and what better way to do then let Tina, Georgia, and Andy show their flags.

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Happy mothers day to the two beautiful couple Tina and Georgia as they along with Andy to take a family portrait together.

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