Fanarts of Yuxin’s fits in Fourtry [Shut_up0].

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You have all worked hard, UMs. Hope to see all of you in our next event. Thank you very much. Thank you for accompanying me and make this party a success.

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This fanart of Liu baby. But why the dog is there?

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in the end Bashi is annoying (to UMs) but he is too cute to be hated, and Yuxin loves him so thank you Bashi to make her feel happy and healed when recording Fourtry 2 (eventho you once pooped on her💀).

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Obsessed with XIN’s look from 🤩 So cute 🥺

CR: 420心动日记簿

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新员工入职培训后成长飞速😎 王源外语销售轻松应对各语种客人👌 林允彩虹风暴销售法俘获顾客✌ 北京时间明晚8点锁定爱奇艺《潮流合伙人》,看新老员工共同冲刺业绩✊

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