Just a big, angry land dragon. Some say these are descendances from the sleeping dragon that got trapped in crystal and sent into space.

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Desert Naga live primarily in and around the deep canyons that cut through the desert sands all around. The canyons supply them with shelter and water.

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Finally enjoying a trip to the hot springs after a long delivery run. Yuki's body is so sore.

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Yuki got caught by a rogue mage along the way. He must find a way to escape and recover his package so that he can continue his delivery. He might be a little late.

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Yuki in the swamps of mist in his fox form.

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Yuki travels undercover across the sea to an island only accessible by boat. It was a rough journey, but he hung on (sometimes literally).

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Droll is having a hard time. His keepers are cruel and the outside can be overwhelming. Perhaps a nap and some food might help... if he was given any food.

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Droll's keepers sent him off on a mission to get rid of a group of travelers that had wandered to somewhere they shouldn't be. It was his first mission. A test. The blood won't come off.

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Droll is a fox elf who's parents were from different clans. His mother died in a prison cell. He never left it. He's captors manipulate him into doing horrible things.

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Theo puts his all into his work. That's why you're the best, Theo. Great job.

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