# ff

Who is Queen Vibes? Special thanks to ElBunny, John Paul Guerra, Art of Gameland and Pacster13 https://t.co/kuOYCk5KNF

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On Monday I'll be doing a video on Queen Vibes- a phenomenon I can't really take credit for, thanks for the original pic, for developing it and everyone who's made pics since! https://t.co/5UxTi8wAwj

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The response to this month's Fanart Friday was brilliant. Thanks again to our guest judges and https://t.co/chR9rubh3J

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Our biggest Fanart Friday yet? Special foxy thanks to guest judges and , plus a whole bunch of awesome artists! https://t.co/chR9rubh3J
Art by

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A special shoutout to and - ElBunny's Queen Vibes pic (part of a short story in issue 5) inspired a pic by Scourgey and seems to have created a mini cult on Deviantart- almost have enough for a video!

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Next Thursday is the deadline for February's Fanart Friday (more info https://t.co/qv5RuHpi7t ). The theme this month is love, though we have had some other fab Reynard City related art as well!
(Art )

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Super shoutout In addition to his fab comic videos and RP forum work, also got us this brilliant fanart pic of Queen Vibes

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For those wondering, the original webcomics are still available on our site https://t.co/uPy51ZGYzD (Special foxy thanks ) featuring work by and more!

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This month's Fanart Friday video is up now! Special foxy thanks to our guest judge Grant Perkins (https://t.co/jtSTmq5fU9), check out fab fanart here (https://t.co/E4uv23obLI)

Also yes we have a Black Friday discount https://t.co/4U77UQDYNd

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Special shoutout who set up our roleplay forum (https://t.co/gR9smknXJf ), our comic channel (https://t.co/gKiIWA12ul ) as well as some fab fanart and pics

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Reynard City Chronicles issue 5- Learn Vibes' origin, Sal's therapy session, relationship issues and aliens invade Earth through Vibes' mind.
Art BlueIke

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Issue 5
Yes Sensei ( )- AK Girl's origin
Revelation (BlueIke) - Sal in therapy
Rise of Balloon Boy ( )- Superhero relationship issues
A World In Chaos ( )- AK Girl v Squirmy!

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Here's a quick recap of the Reynard City Chronicles series so far!
Issue 1 (Art and Strider Syd)
Vibes McAllister thought she was a (relatively) normal radio DJ, but lately she's been having weird daydreams...

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Fanart Friday video coming later, special thanks to this month's guest judge and to everyone who took part including and . While you're waiting, check out the playlist here https://t.co/QkeJq4bWoV

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