Oya? Você quer que eu me junte à sua equipe?

Collab que eu fiz com minha incrível amiga para a volta da maravilhosa

29 126

just tested my old coloring method
i think it still works

290 1196

oya? oya oya~? ((พึ่งได้วาดแก้บนตั้งแต่ตู้รอบที่แล้ว ฝากน้องไว้ในอ้อมอกอ้อมใจด้วยนะคะ🥺 ))

4 3

Got too lazy on finishing this and ended up doing another cel shade!
I'm obsessed with this halftone tool.

(trying those hashtag flags LMAO)

4 10