“Witchly Friends!”

Sabel and Snivil are both friendly Fey creatures that adore everything magical and natural.

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Being a Demoniac has its perks! Super speed, strength and agility… also the ability to blame horrific deaths on the demons 💜

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Crazy Charlie can’t help himself… Hellings are just so fun to watch pop into a red mist… 😈

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Thravia is an expert in her craft of binding the minds of mortals… however she also enjoys doing so with the creatures of the underworld.

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“Little Grumbles”

The Grumblings are a very kind and curious type of Gnomeling found in every magical plane.

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“Stabby Inky!”

A smile on Sorr’s face? A little rare, but when he’s out on a stabbing spree with Feya there’s nothing that can ruin the mood…

… well here’s some OCs we haven’t seen in a while 💜

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Charlie isn’t one to shy away from using… well, pretty much anything with a sharp edge - just as long as it can kill something 😈

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