Today is the day of 👽 🛸
Let’s show twitter our

6 30

GM! Big news!!! Baby’s first today 😭🛸 wow feeling blessed. LFG weekend!

30 127

I have done it. I’ve attained a today! Thanks to the awesome community for the trade! rules!

25 137

My is acquired is the family <3

19 107

Back to back goals achieved! Finally secured my first full slam🙏👀 Ready to start stacking that fren coin…I never thought I’d be here. Thanks to all the frens I’ve met along the way🔺🖖

35 147

LETSS FUCKINGG GOOO!!!! Thank you for the help with the last one to complete my slam!! Trait & fren slam all in one go! LFGGG IM STOKED ASF!! Put me in line for that🔺Brolu chat!

45 123

just completed this undies frenslam today

24 163

Finished my first Frenslam - let’s f** goooo 💚🖖👽, won’t stop here & will continue adding more!

19 57