Many hamsters in have gone into hiding! Here is one disguised as Pikachu 👀

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It's today. Do activism ;)
Cover tweet and 🥰 artwork by

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It’s so I drew these two brave pro-#Democracy protesters taking a nap!

It’s my way of saying activism is hard work so please make sure to take care of yourselves and each other 🙏🏻

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日を追うごとに、劣悪な香港に堕ちていく。まさに、悪貨は良貨を駆逐する如く。愛読してた香港アップルデイリー紙が 秘密警察に締め上げられて休刊に追い込まれたのは、痛恨の極み。

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It’s so I drew this this two-panel comic to honour the courage of

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is about standing in support of our allies and bringing attention to the injustices around the world.

We Stand with our brothers and sisters fighting for democracy and human rights.

🔹️ More info

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Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I won't be online tomorrow as I'll be away this weekend. See you on Monday! Have a good one! Here are some Friday funnies. 😂🤣

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We look forward to seeing you this Friday! Don't forget to bring your "#FreeHongKong" sign. with . Please continue to

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