prekerb friendsheith ♥

136 500

here some Shiro i did for my beloved Jenoson
and a prekerb! friendsheith mock zine piece I did bc I was petty

156 548

this was gon be my submission for the br0ganes zine but i wasnt allowed to apply cos it was for fanpols only 😔✊
(the zine scene is so full of cliques lately! sad)

396 1231

Patreon Update!
3 pages for "Soul Forged", finale comic posted + 1 page of comic!!
There's also prekerb and wil be some sauce on the weekend
Have a nice weekend!!

24 123

Patreon Update!
I forgot to promote last week's update too! (I'm so sorry)
Please check em out if you wanna! There's originals and also and nostalgia trips and new content on all tiers, and I'm still bad at titles!

57 266

Inktober / Sheithtober
Day 26- "Still"

When an edgy kitten falls asleep on your shoulder you do not move, you don't make a sound, you don't breathe!

27 55

Pre-kerb friendsheith hover bike appreciation post. Look how much fun they are having!!!!

75 230

Hogwarts AU where Shiro is Sirius and Keith is Harry (Krolia as Lily and Tex as James) because I love both of these bonds and gosh just leave me alone I'm emotional

51 157

A little soulmate comic I managed to finish on my break :) ~

503 1065