Day 1- Flower Bouquet
A beautiful Hydrangea Bouquet brought as a gift for a lovely partner!


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I haven't tried it yet, but I am wondering what Dream flavor tastes like. Passion friut... ill keep that flavor in mind

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COMING SOON ON OPERSEA (polygon) you can follow me with Friut head now 👏🍉
After drop on opersea i have EVEN The Dragon 🔥 Skin for collec RARE Friut Head

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🥑🥑🥑03/05 FH MMO RPG avocado assassin
COMING SOON ON OPERSEA (polygon) you can follow me with Friut head now 👏🍉
After drop on opersea i have EVEN The Dragon 🔥 Skin for collec RARE Friut Head

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⭐ น้องทับทิม ⭐
เป็นผลไม้ที่เนื้อน้อย เมล็ดเยอะ
เฟรมว่าอร่อยดี กินเพลินๆ
หรือปกติเขาเคี้ยวกันเลยนะ 555

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12. Berrus had to use 70 procent off power to stop this namekian.
13. Whis try to make him in to god of destruction if berrus died.
14. Galactic patroll has to run away if they spot him..
15. this namekian likes friuts, and meat as a food.
16. his favorite drink is water

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Forgot to post this. Ive seen alot of artist do candy gore, and use friut as the gore part. So i thought i should jump on the train and do strawberries!

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I'll be posting the next friutikini tomorrow. After that it'll be Wendys turn... which one is up next?

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Finally gave my drawing to my bestie (dont worry we properly social distanced😉) I miss her tons during all of this so I drew and since is our show!

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Wangxian shimejis, coming into friutation uwu

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อนิเมะ Friuts Basket เผยวิชวลเพิ่มเติมละจ้า หมู วัว กระต่ายมาแล้ววว กำหนดออกอากาศเดือนเมษายนนี้ อดใจรอดูๆๆ

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Old drawing: 'Friut and nut'

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