"I need you more than ever right now because we are just, lovesick!" 💠⚫️🦑💙🦑⚪️💠

17 127

It’s the Squid Sisters, but something seems a bit… off. Wait, it’s actually Frogy and Blue! 💜🦑💚🦑

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t not draw this once I got the idea for it lol.

23 113

Do you love Frogy x Blue? 🦑💙🦑

16 68

Decided to make a version with me since y’all seemed to really like Blue with my ink. Part 2 of where cephalopods that are in love have their ink colors swap. I honestly kinda look good in lighter blue too tbh, I used to have it fyi lol. ^^ 💙🦑

16 77

I saw that trend going around where cephalopods that are in love have their ink colors swap, so I decided to quickly draw Blue with my ink lol. It may not look like anything happened, but those who are familiar with me can probably tell. ^^ 🦑💙

24 119

I was looking at some official Splatoon art, and it looks like I found more proof of Frogy x Blue being canon!!! 👀
I mean, you cannot tell me otherwise. The girl is even wearing the same shirt that my casual outfit has! ^^

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No thoughts, just

✨Frogy x Blue✨

13 93

You just had to be there. 🦑💙🦑

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and with Byleth to brighten up your Tuesday. ^^

4 15

[ Beach time 🏝🦑💙🦑 ]

Since we’re in the heat of summer, I thought I would share a cute pic of me and Blue at the beach on a lil’ date. ^^

[ Repost and edit ]

8 50

[ First kiss! 💙🦑👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ]

It’s finally here, the moment you’ve all been waiting so long for! I’m just sitting over here like 🥺 bc it’s too beautiful! I’ve been wanting to draw this moment for quite a while. ^^

17 68

I can’t believe it’s already May! Summer’s right around the corner, so here’s me and Blue are on a little beach date! ^^ 🏝🦑💙🦑

Likes and rts appreciated!

12 86

Check out this awesome banner that made for me! It’s got me and Blue holding hands, and the Tidal Queens too! I absolutely love it!!! ^^ 💖🦑💙
Thank youuuuu! 😭🙏🏻

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