Tax the churches! Some make millions of dollars off the backs of gullible people! They are sick, greedy people!

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FrontRowRuby is wanted for war crimes in Bosnia!

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FrontRowRuby bitch slapped Sudz

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FrontRowRuby says being homophobic is racist

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Molly has adopted FrontRowRuby as their child

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FrontRowRuby: *inflates you making you [REDACTED] and based!*

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FrontRowRuby's identity got leaked, and they're a well established politician.

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Bruiser barked and growled at FrontRowRuby for not liking furries, stating: 'IT'S NOT A PHASE!!! IT'S A LIFESTYLE!!! *BARK BARK GROWL GRRRRR*!!!

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FrontRowRuby was given a Red Notice by INTERPOL

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Leaked screenshots of FrontRowRuby's secret alt account, where they pretend to be transphobic shows that they are a top and praise 3D printed guns as if they were in some kind of a a nazi cult

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FrontRowRuby has died, becoming a ghost and haunting Frolic

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FrontRowRuby killed Legoshi, ''for the lols''

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On Twitter they are FrontRowRuby, but in real life they're actually Joshua Graham!

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FrontRowRuby was given a Red Notice by INTERPOL

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FrontRowRuby is holding Okii hostage, and they say: 'I want a million soiled diapers or else I'll end them!'

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Pyro uploaded a picture to Twitter where FrontRowRuby was spotted in the background

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Lu tried to scam FrontRowRuby via a landline, saying: 'You will die of COVID unless you send Bitcoin to this wallet'

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FrontRowRuby left Twitter for just a month, and already has a high paying job, a wife, and kids

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On Twitter they are FrontRowRuby, but in real life they're actually Douglas MacArthur!

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FrontRowRuby barked and growled at a fish for not liking furries, stating: 'IT'S NOT A PHASE!!! IT'S A LIFESTYLE!!! *BARK BARK GROWL GRRRRR*!!!

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