Ritual kasih Leo gambar fanart buatanku
Semoga dipulangin Leo FS1, Leo inisial dan Leo FS b4 amiin

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just missing leo’s fs1 so i can complete knights fs1 collection but izumi’s fs2 and ny leo ;;

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If you were wondering how my experience with Rinne FS1 in EN went: I hope he lowers me into my grave when I die, so he can let me down one last time

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ahh its almost like fs2 and fs1 are reaching towards eachother.. and how the colors are inverted .. its really lovely.... and the cane for tatsumis leg incoperated into the card is just like.. 100x bonus pointa for me..

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i said this on my priv alr but the fs1 ->fs2 how its supposedly like how others see them (fs1) how they see themselves/want to see them self as (fs2) and i see it here for sure.. in contrast tatsumis fs1 has her looking down at the camera (which is basically+

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i wish i could put my thoughts into words more ummm like cohesivly to talk about tatsumi fs2 on main... i just wanted to point out the parallels between fs1 and fs2 while i was in class so this mifht be kinda messed up... to my beloved proomfies thanls forputting up with thisOKAY

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opening up to others.


both his fs1 and fs2 cards are full of roses, and i think, keeping what i've said about faith conquest in mind, it's not too much of a reach to think that this is because hiyori associates himself with or is on a

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If I was hiyoriP I would be so mad that his fs2 is literally just an alt-color of fs1

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ネイルとロザリオ(金曜の朝に自作)単体も見て〜!!!!!わーーーーい!!!!!ネイルはVEN、FS1背景、La Mortがモチーフです!

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i cant choose tbh but i love wata fs2 and rinne fs1 !!! fs2 nazunii looks so cool so i like it,, and i have fs1 mayoi on music so i've come to like it eheheh https://t.co/uXc6BbCSiE

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FS1 Wataru is a jester, this is how Wataru chooses to represent himself and he's not any jester! He's Arleccino which is based on the trope from commedia dell'arte. Arleccino is someone who can be interpreted as either a buffon or a demon in some representations of the work.

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card fs1nya izumi cakep banget ya allah, sayangnya waktu itu lagi nabung dias makanya ga ngepull🥹 https://t.co/fSX8pU0rNx

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22) Vagabond Kuro x Fs1 Keito
Sama-sama cpak cpuk main air di kolam. Pengembara kuro ketemu sama keito di kuil waktu dia lagi istirahat, terus dia menceritakan outside world yang ga pernah dikunjungi keito "Will I meet you again?" Eakk something like that.

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i only owned one of the too three i want but himeru’s valentines izumi’s fs2 and hokke’s fs1 these are too tier cards

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HED ALSO LOOK VERY CUTE IN FS1 KANATA.. and theres a couple umm. girl game cards too..

idk man i think abt putting chars in mobage outfits waaaaaayy too fuckin often but i dont wanna like. spam my tl/media tab with this shit lol

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So we have Mao's FS2 in jpstars, Mao's FS1 on engstars beta, and Mao's center event on krstars all ongoing rn 😭😭😳 that's a lot of mao, calm down man this is bad for my heart 😭😳😳😳

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Mayoi but I mixed his fs1 with that Miku Infinity module

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i designed a wawa fs2 🥺🥺 very childish n prwtty to contrast his fs1

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