93/ Sasaki y Miyano
Siempre es bonito ver nacer relaciones cuquis de hobbies con tantos prejuicios como el BL y estando rodeados de amigos que apoyan la relación, pero se sigue reduciendo el tema a ukes, semes, fujonshis y fudanshis :( Al menos intentan separar ficcion y realidad

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Today's Femboy is Miyano Amata from Fudanshism - Fudanshi Shugi! 🎀

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Dibujos entre originales y fanarts a otros artistas o a juegos. Este año solo he hecho estos 4 dibujos (mas dos que aun no puedo subir) así que XD

Bienvenidos seáis fudanshis y fujoshis del mundo a mi cuenta (?)

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Amigos otakus ou fujoshis/fudanshis e etc: qual o ship mais flopado de vocês?

Os meus: todos

Acho q KakuHida é o mais privilegiado dentre esses, já que todos sabem q foram eles q inventaram o amor dentro da Akatsuki

O resto é o puro flop, até DoflaDile merecia mais amor https://t.co/Te3Bx2p2vn

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Today I learned there's a difference between home & away colors for sports teams (I was not a sports boy, sports are only interesting when done by boys). So old fudanshis can learn new, non-perverse factoids.

<----- Is this a thing?

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I have some ocs in relationship too
I could doodle if you wish
(sorry for the fujoshis/fudanshis but I only have two male oc's in G couple, Akira (purple eyes) is bi and for Duri only, he prolly got the darkest background story out of all my oc's)
Duri, (right doodle)

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¿Por que? ¿Acaso nadie piensa en Argentina?


¿Y los Fudanshis argentinos?

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