I am pleased to announce FunkyApes will be airdrop to NFT Museum ring holders next week and also people holding 10 or more nfts from either nft museum 1 or 2 will get 1 airdrop. Holding 10 or more gets u 1 airdrop 20 or more gets u 2 and so on. This is for non ring holders.

3 8

What the actual f....unky fly!

did an insane job with this inspired 1/1 Moon Ape 🪰

We can't wait to show you the Moon Ape inspired Funky Fly!

41 64

Which DoucheBag wants this FunkyApe ?

1-Follow & us
2-Tag 3 Douchebags
3- RT this and pinned post

Winner at 30 RT

40 43