Happy new year!
I don't want to scare you away but I already discovered shape shading / lighting
(Evil laughs) ahem, commission for

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This picture is taking 2000 years to complete because I’ve been very distracted and “going through it” as they say, but hey look the hair and ears are done

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Juar juar juar ya tenía rato que no dibujaba algo así n.n
It had been a long time since I drew something like that

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Behold the great (ok maybe not MMM perhaps the little) jack in the box clown furry toy!
Uzzy Vadha Jinx
What can I say the inspiration comes from my last draw and my beloved friend KoSakura 😸
Enjoy it
Honk honk honk clown hugs 🤡

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I tried to make a better color than usually do but I can't do it anymore u.u
I hope you enjoy it ( Someone asked me if I do commissions O.o, Mmmm perhaps?)

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Another pic of me, i really miss draw on digital i will do more
Honk honk honk!! Clown Hugs!!!( Inspired by a draw of )

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